Thursday, January 31, 2013

Funeral schedule for Day 1

Front (east) gate of Veal Preah Meru (Man,) the crematorium complex 
of King Kather Norodom Sihanouk, January 31, 2013, 7:00PM.

Brief outline of a rough translation of the published schedule of events for the first day of King Father Norodom Sihanouk's funeral, February 1, 2013:

6:30am-Royalty family's meeting inside the royal palace area
6:40am-Samdech Akah Mohasena Decho Hun Sen & Bun Rany Hun Sen arrive
6:45am-Samdech Akah Moha Ponhea Chakrey Heng Samrin & Lok Chumtiv arrive
6:50am-Samdech Akah Mohathompothisal Chea Sim arrive
6:55am-King Norodom Sihamony arrive
Procession Program:
8:30am - Procession depart. Cannon fire (1st time).
             - King Norodom Sihamoni and the Queen Mother return to the Royal Palace.
10:30am - Ambassadors and wives arrived Veal Preah Man (Meru).
11:00am - The King & the Queen Mother wait at the front of the Victory Gate of the Royal Palace and follow the vehicle carrying the King Father's remains (tinaing bosbok).
              - Move the remains from the vehicle to the Veal Preah Meru. Cannon fire (2nd time).

All the participants circle 3 times and invite 90 monks to pray.

13:00 - 16:00pm - Open to public to come respect and offer blessing to the Former King Sihanouk.
18:00pm - Religious ceremony
18:30pm - Light Preach Meru and the area.
20:00pm - Fireworks and candles.
End of the first day.

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